FRP Roof Exhausters
The Hartzell Fiberglass Roof Exhausters provide a low profile roof exhaust solution in a corrosive environment.
FRP Wall Ventilators
Our fiberglass wall ventilators are a major advantage for general ventilation applications where concentrations of corrosive elements exceed the limits of standard fans. Fiberglass also offers additional advantages such as weight, high strength to weight ratio, and dimensional stability.
FRP Roof Ventilators
Hartzell fiberglass roof ventilators are a practical choice for industrial applications where corrosive elements exist in fume and vapor form but still provide the advantages of positive and accurate ventilation, regardless of internal plant and weather conditions. As an added dividend, fiberglass roof vents provide weather-resistant characteristics, will not tarnish, and will never need painting. The housings are extremely durable and highly resistant to impact.
FRP Utility Fans
The Hartzell Backward Curved Utility Fan offers non-overloading efficiency and economy in corrosive atmospheres. It utilizes our FA wheel which is unique in the fan and blower industry today.
FRP BC Centrifugal Fans
The Hartzell Backward Curved Centrifugal incorporates the proven, highly efficient, backward curved, airfoil-bladed, solid fiberglass Type FA wheel in a solid fiberglass housing. This design utilizes the airfoil centrifugal wheel, centrifugal fan housing, and inlet cone to produce a compact, highly efficient unit with low noise characteristics.
FRP In-Line Centrifugals
Our Fiberglass In-Line Centrifugal fan combines the design advantages of the axial flow fan with the performance characteristics of the centrifugal fan, but in a corrosive application where it is advantageous to have fiberglass materials. The design saves space as compared to the traditional scroll-type centrifugal housing by incorporating a tubular housing. The design also allows the unit to be installed directly in a duct system with the same inlet and outlet discharge dimensions.
FRP Axial Flow Fans
Fiberglass direct and belt drive Axial Flow fans are designed for a corrosive air-stream application where standard metallic fans will not work due to the environment.
FRP Radial Blowers
Fiberglass centrifugal fans offer non-overloading, high efficiency, low noise, and economy or handling both fumes and vapors in a corrosive atmosphere.
FRP Air Control Products
Hartzell's fiberglass dampers and shutters help prevent back drafts and control air intake or relief in a corrosive environment where standard dampers and shutters would deteriorate. It is best suited for environments where corrosive elements exist in fume or vapor form. These fiberglass dampers and shutters are available in standard and custom sizes.
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Fluid Technology, LLC
Colorado 303-233-7400
Utah 801-268-0600
New Mexico 505-255-6565
Arizona 602-252-1726
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