Chain operated cleaning rakes intermesh with the bar rack, and elevate collected debris to a discharge point where each rake is wiped off before descending on the return side of the unit.
Model Information
Fairfield provides mainly three models under The MACH:
MACH-01 CHFF - Chain Operated Front clean Front return
» MACH-01 is mainly applicable where front cleaning system is required and inclination angle with respect to vertical is 6° to 15° .MACH-02 CHFB - Chain Operated Front clean Back return
» MACH-02 is mainly applicable where back cleaning system is required and inclination angle with respect to vertical is 6° to 30°.MACH-03 CHFFM
» MACH-03 is mainly applicable where we want to go for the fine screening, gap between bars up to 4 mm, with less capital cost.MACH-04 CHBB
» MACH-04 Bar Screen can be inclined from 15° to 30° from the vertical. It has chain operated cleaning rakes which descend on the downstream side of the bar screen, turn around the foot sprockets, engage the bar screen at channel floor level, and ascend on the downstream side of the bar screen.
Benefits, Technical Data and Applications
- Sturdy stainless steel design.
- Driving mechanism above water.
- Low headloss.
- Reliable operation.
- Low maintenance steel design.
Technical Data
- Standard channel width from 1 ½' to 6'.
- 6° to 45° inclination from the vertical.
- Standard Bar Spacing are 4 mm to 75 mm.
- Other sizes available upon request.
- Five years limited warranty.
- Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants.
- Pump stations.
- Surface water intake structures.
- Pump stations.
- Combined sewer overflows.
The "CAF" bar screen is designed to protect processing equipment by removing oversize debris from the sewage immediately upon its arrival at the pumping station or treatment plant. The rake that cleans the screen is a cable operated, reciprocating design that descends on the upstream side of the bar screen, engages the bar screen at channel floor level, and ascends on the upstream side of the bar screen.
The CAF bar screen consists of
»The Screen Rack
»The Cleaning Rack Frame
»Cable Operating Mechanism
»Hydraulic Retarding Assembly
Benefits, Technical Data and Applications
- Study stainless steel design.
- Application for more deep screening.
- Less capital cost.
- Low life cycle cost.
- More efficient screening capture.
- Reliable operation.
- Low maintenance.
Technical Data
- Maximum channel depth up to 250'.
- Standard channel width from 3' to 9'.
- Standard bar spacing are 3/4" mm to 1/2".
- Other sizes available upon request.
- Five years limited warranty.
- Municipal & industrial wastewater.
- Treatment plants.
- Pump stations.
- Surface water intake structure.
- Combined sewer overflows.
The Claw
The "CLAW" bar screen is a rack and pinion bar screen previously which is known as the "RPFF". From over last many years The "CLAW" which is heavy duty, front clean, front return type travelling rake mechanism transported on climbing carriage, is the standard for the industry with proven quality and reliability.
The "CLAW" shall be design to operate in a damp, wet, corrosive atmosphere. The material of construction is depending upon customer requirements and environment operating condition. All parts of the equipment furnished herein shall be amply proportional for continuous operation. Adequate lubrication shall be Provided for bearings, and lubrication points shall be readily accessible.
The Claw shall consist of
The Claw shall consist of:
- Vertical Main Frame
- Rake Wiper
- Bar Rack
- Discharge Apron
- Dead Plate
- local Control Panel
- Pin Racks
- A Traveling Rake Carriage Assembly
Benefits, Applications and Technical Data
- Sturdy stainlesss steel design
- High flow rates
- Low head loss
- Reliable operation with low maintenance
- Easy to retrofit
- Segmental teeth
- Drive and all bearings above water
- Cog wheels and pin racks(no sprockets and chains) for exact rake guidance and exact meshing into bar rack
- Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants
- Pump stations
- Surface water intake structures
- Combined sewer overflows
Technical Data
- Standard channel width from 2' to 12'
- Longest Rake Arm 21'
- Longest Travel 44'
- Standard rake width from 2' to 12'
- Rake speed up to 40 ft/min
Catenary Bar Screen
Fairfield's Catenary bar screen is the front clean front return configuration without sprockets, bearings or shafts below the water The cleaning rakes descend on the upstream side of the bar rack turns upward in a Catenary loop, meaning without sprockets engages the bar rack at the channel floor and ascends on the upstream side of the bar screen
Types of Frames
CAT-01 - Regular Frame
» CAT-01 bar screen has a single shaft and is driven by a gear reducer coupled to the drive shaft by a roller chain and sprockets.CAT-02 - 'A' type Frame
» CAT-02 bar screen has a single shaft and is driven by a hollow shaft gear reducer, directly mounted on the drive shaft. In additionally variable frequency drive can also be provided as per requirements.CAT-03 - Dual shaft frame
» CAT-03 bar screen has two shafts, one head shaft located near the trash ejector, and one drive shaft located at the back of the structure. They are driven by a gear reducer coupled to the drive shaft by a roller chain and sprockets.
The Catenary consists of
- The bar rack.
- The dead plate.
- Cleaning rakes.
- Rake wiper.
- Drive assembly.
- The screen frame.
Benefits, Technical Data and Applications
- The bar rack.
- The dead plate.
- Cleaning rakes.
- Rake wiper.
- Drive assembly.
- The screen frame.
Technical Data
- Bar screen can be inclined from 15' to 45'.
- Standard channel width from 2' to 30'.
- Standard bar spacing is 4mm to 38mm.
- Five years limited warranty.
- Other sizes available upon request.
- Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants.
- Pulp & paper mills.
- Surface water intake structures.
Traveling Water Screen
A Traveling water screen from Fairfield is a cost efficient and customizable water debris removal system. There is no enhanced way to remove water debris than a traveling water screen.
Fairfield’s Traveling water screen is used to remove debris from the river or lake water, unlike bar racks and many other intake protection systems, which require costly monitoring and maintenance to keep free from blockages.
Screens are installed vertically in a concrete channel where debris clings to the upstream side of the ascending screen panels and is removed by water spray before the return run of screen panels descends on the down side of the screen.
Traveling water screen consists of
» Panels usually have square clear opening and fabricated of galvanized steel wire attached to steel angle frames by means of steel clamp bars and galvanized steel bars. Screen panels can also be fabricated of stainless steel wire.
» Adjustable stealing strips will be used at basket ends on the vertical flights. No other clearance space in the boot or elsewhere which will constitute a water passage, whether between moving parts or between moving and stationary parts.
» Water spray assembly with multiple nozzles is furnished to spray the full width of the screen panels and wash debris from the screen into a discharge trough. An electric solenoid- operated valve is furnished to actuate the water spray system when the screen machinery is operating.
Technical Data and Applications
Technical Data
- Standard channel width from 3' to 4'.
- The velocity of the water flow to the screen can be approximately 1 to 2 FPS.
- Approx screen chain speed 10 FPM.
- Sewage treatment.
- Pumping stations.
- Sea & ocean water intake filtration.
- Fossil fuel generation facilities.
- Thermal power plants.
Stream Guard
Fairfield’s STREAM GUARD is heavy duty, fully automatic self-cleaning filter screen. The screen is capable of presenting a clean filtration surface to the oncoming liquid stream at all times during continuous operation. In addition, the screen is capable of intermittent operation in order to form a mat for maximum trash removal. The filter screen is suitable for installation and operation in the proposed flow channel having an angle of inclination of 60° to 80° from horizontal.
The screen provides dual filtration means it will stop the debris in two stage, first it will stop big debris at the teeth level and secondly it will stop small debris at shaft level in order to minimize compaction of the captured debris and increasing head loss through the units. The screen has clear spacing from 1 to 15 mm.
Technical Data and Benefits
Technical Data
- Channel Width (Max): 120".
- Channel Depth (Max): 300".
- Filtering Gap: 1,3,5,10,15mm etc.
- Inclination referred to vertical : 60, 70, 80.
- The teeth are made of plastic material (Nylon).
- Stainless steel SS304 or SS316L is available as option.
- Material of frame can be Stainless Steel or Galvanized.
- Steel & Carbon Steel if required.
- A Submerged curved 1/2" thick stainless steel rail is provided at the foot of the screen.
- High capacity.
- No submerged bearing and rollers. Ease of maintenance.
- High separation efficiency due to the narrow spacing between teeth and the produced screening.
- Self cleaning mechanism.
- The hook like shape of the teeth effectively prevents the screened material from dropping.
Rotating Drum Screen
The Fairfield Rotating Drum Screen meets and exceeds the expectations of operators worldwide with its innovative screening solutions. Not only does the Rotating Drum Screen remove solids, but it also washes and dewaters captured screenings. Along with a simple design and operation process, this screen has a high removal efficiency and low disposal costs.
Features and Benefits
- All stainless steel construction for superior corrosion resistance.
- Simple mechanical design requires little maintenance.
- Hinged structural support allows unit to pivot out of channel for maintenance at floor level.
- Simple drive assembly makes service easy and reduces maintenance costs.
- Unit is shipped fully assembled to minimize installation expenses.
- All mating parts are machined to ensure proper fit and operation.
- The Rotating Drum Screen’s mechanical design and stainless steel construction lengthen its service life.
MBR Spiralflo
Fairfield's MBR SPIRALFLO systems are designed to address the screening needs of industrial and municipal process treatment plants.These quality units offer many design and operational benefits.
Shaft less Spiral technology enables efficient transport of stringy material or sludge. The shaft less, high-strength alloy steel spiral eliminates entanglement of solids around a shaft. No intermediate or end bearings are required, which reduces maintenance requirements.
Screening, washing, and compaction all are integrated into a single unit driven by one motor located at the top of the mechanism.
Standards, Applications and Benefits
- Wedge wire and perforated plate available in a wide range of screen openings.
- Throughputs up to 35 MLD.
- Variable lengths up to 30ft.
- screen inclination angel : 35° or 45°.
- Pivoting mounting stand.
- Screenings pass paint filter test.
- Wastewater treatment plant.
- Primary/Secondary sludge.
- Septage.
- Digested sludge.
- Membrane.
- Lower plant operations & Maintenance cost.
- Protect down-stream equipment.
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